Trenne Benutzernamen durch Kommata.
AW: Adding a Simple API for Plugin DEV's! Can you please share your hook and the method? Of course only if thats fine with you
AW: ServerPlugIns Deswegen benutze ich auch PermissionsBukkit
AW: ServerPlugIns PEX ist berüchtigt für diverse Bugs. Wenn schon Permissions Plugin dann doch bitte PermissionsBukkit or GM
AW: Glizer takes too long to respong or does not respond at all How come glizer gets so many DDoS attacks while other global ban systems don't...
AW: Glizer takes too long to respong or does not respond at all A status page or a /glizer ping command would be really cool
Hey, I think the title is sorta giving it away, in the past few weeks I noticed that glizer is either not responding (warn/ ban enqueued - "not...
AW: Craftbukkit 1.4.2 Das sind grundsätzlich Plugins, und die meisten Plugins aus 1.3.2 sind 1.4.x kompatibel. Zumindest so security plugins wie...
AW: Idea for Ban-System Personally I am not too sure about the server reputation system, seeing as it does not get used too often on glizer.
AW: Idea for Ban-System That's why a 'deactivated servers' section would make sense.
AW: Idea for Ban-System Is it in any way possible to maybe not delete, but to 'deactive' servers? So if someone has tons of warnings from a...
AW: DDoS Angriff gegen das Brauhaus Ich dachte das Brauhaus wird inzwischen von Nitrado gehostet? Wie kann sich eine seriöse Firma wie Nitrado...
AW: 'The Banhammer has spoken' message Is this something you are currently working on and you see it as a bug or just as a feature that will be...
AW: 'The Banhammer has spoken' message Not really, since we handle local disputes on our own forum.
Hello, when banning with glizer it shows banned players who try to join the server the essentials standard ban message 'The BanHammer has...
AW: Tamp ban resets on every restart To be perfectly honest I do not have the slightest idea. I unbanned myself via console and removed the...