Redstone Schaltungen

Dieses Thema im Forum "Spiele News" wurde erstellt von Jojo_the_big, 7. Oktober 2010.

  1. Jojo_the_big

    Jojo_the_big Mitglied++

    Punkte für Erfolge:
    ich hab weil es mich interessiert hat mal nach einem tutorial für redstone schaltungen gesucht und auch eins gefunden ist zwar auf englisch aber da ich es verstanden hab sollten die meisten hier es auch packen da es eh mit sehr vielen bildern ausgeschmückt ist


    allerdings kommt es mir so vor als ob auf dem server der redstone noch leicht verbuggt ist weil er manchmal nicht an geht oder aus
  2. RazorBlade88

    RazorBlade88 Mitglied

    Punkte für Erfolge:
    Jop den Thread hab ich auch schon gefunden .
    Und ja Redstone läuft nicht sehr gut auf dem Server :)
  3. Kwingdor

    Kwingdor Neuling

    Punkte für Erfolge:
    Leider noch ja... ist wohl leider genau so n Problem wie mit den Türen ab und an... die zicken ja auch zum Teil noch rum. Hoffe mal, dass das mit dem Halloween-Update eventuell schon mitbehoben ist :D
  4. Krim

    Krim Ist nicht Krim Teamsklave

    Punkte für Erfolge:

    Hab mal einfach den Inhalt des Threads hier reinkopiert, für den Fall, dass er nicht mehr erreichbar ist in der Zukunft.

    Redstone Components
    The different blocks related to redstone.

    Basic components:

    Redstone wire:
    Unpowered (left) and powered (right)
    Can be used to connect other elements, such as torches, levers, doors, etc.

    Redstone torch:
    Freestanding and block-mounted versions. Unpowered/on (left), Powered/off (right).
    Can power redstone wires. When powered itself, it will cease to power wires.

    Input Devices:

    Block-mounted/off (left) and freestanding/on (right) versions.
    A switch. Placed in default "off" position and will not power wire. When flipped from this initial configuration, it will power wires until flipped again.

    Block-mounted only.
    Another type of switch. When pressed, will power wires for a short time (~1 second). The wire will then turn off.

    Pressure plates:
    Wooden (left) and stone (right) versions. Ground-mounted only.
    Will stay triggered for at least roughly a second, longer if the creature (mob or player) stays on the plate, making them useful for traps. Additionally, wooden pressure plates can also be triggered by dropped item entities, making them useful for mob-spawner traps or automatic cactus farms.


    Wooden door (left), iron door (right)
    Placed closed. When powered by redstone, will flip 90 degrees. Wooden doors can also be opened/closed by hand, whereas iron doors are only controllable via redstone.
    Controlling a door with redstone

    When activated by hand or powered redstone, will violently explode, destroying all blocks around it except obsidian (unless it it submerged in water, where no blocks will be destroyed), damaging the player, and propelling other TNT.

    Minecart tracks:
    Both sets of track started out identical, but one is unpowered (left) and the other is being controlled by an upright torch under the intersection.
    Controlling cart tracks with redstone

    Connecting Components:
    A basic how-to on the quirks of connecting with redstone wire.

    Wire alignment:
    The left version works. The right does not. Whats the difference?
    In the left, the wire goes directly to the door. On the right, it goes past it. Try to make sure that, when controlling by wire, you either have your wire go directly to what is being controlled, or have a branch of the wire do so.

    15 block limit:
    Count the blocks. As you can see, the current peters out after a measly 15 blocks. However, there is a way to get around that, using a double-NOT wire extender:
    Close up:
    This is a compression of two NOT gates linked in series. The signal will come out unchanged (came in powered, comes out powered, or unpowered if it came in unpowered), but will be extended to go another 15 blocks.

    This is going to be a short section, highlighting simply the most useful gates. For more, better, and up-to date research and finding, visit the "redstuff logic gates" thread here.

    What is a logic gate?
    A logic gate is a simple construction that takes two (or more, but that's more advanced) inputs, and outputs an output based on a truth table and those inputs.

    Logic Gate diagrams:

    For convenience: one input is a, the other is b. Which is a and which is b does not matter.

    NOT gate:
    If a is powered, the output is NOT powered.

    AND gate:
    If a AND b are powered, then the output will be powered.

    OR gate:
    If a OR b OR both are powered, then the output will be powered.

    XOR gate:
    If a OR b, but not both are powered, then the output will be powered.

    NAND gate:
    What you get when you hook up a NOT gate the the output of an AND gate. If both a and b are powered, the output is unpowered. Otherwise the output is powered.

    NOR gate:
    If neither a NOR b is powered, the output is powered. Otherwise if a, b or both is powered, the output is unpowered.

    XNOR gate:
    If a and b are both unpowered, or if they are both powered, then the output is powered. If a and b have different states (on unpowered and the other powered), the output is unpowered.

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